Monday, August 30, 2010

Keeping the Eye on the Prize

On those days where you take two steps forward and one step back, you just have to keep reminding yourself what you are working toward in the first place!

On Sunday afternoon, I stopped by the potential sublease space on King Street and another space on S. West Street that had been recommended to me but I hadn't looked at because we thought things were going to move forward with the original space on N. Henry Street.  I thought both warranted a look inside so I contacted my broker this morning to let him know.  Right now, we are working on scheduling a visit to both sometime this week.  As my editorial comment for the day, yes, brokers, you do need a CRM system, especially if you can't remember what I've told you and what you've told me.

On Thursday, I'm having lunch with a friend/co-worker of Cori's who will help to guide me in my web design planning.  I'm very excited to move forward with this next stage.

I just keep reminding myself - patience, the end, it's not in my control!

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